SE_21_Lesson_2: VCS, Git

-> Installation of Git and setting SSH key


2. open gitlab account

3. generate SSH key:

ssh-keygen -o -t rsa -C "emailaddress" 

4. gitlab -> preferences -> SSH Keys 

-> git add . veya git add * command

This command adds files from working directory to staging area

-> git commit -m "reasonable message"

This command adds files from staging area to local repository

-> git push 

This command adds files from local repository to remote repository

-> git pull

This command brings metadata, history and files

-> git fetch 

This command brings only metadata

-> vi file name - creates and opens file; cat file name - show content of file

-> Conflicts in git

<<<<<<< HEAD // our branch

Number one


Git is cool

>>>>>>> master

-> git log

This command shows all commits with its commit hash

-> .gitignore file
This file ignores specific files to be tracked by git

-> git clean -fd

This command removes untracked files

-> git cherry-pick [commit hash]

This command merges specific commit to branch


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