IoC:ApplicationContext, BeanFactory. Bean

 Bean - bean is an instance of a class managed by Spring Boot.

In Spring Boot—and the broader Spring Framework—a bean is essentially an object that is managed by the Spring Inversion of Control (IoC) container. Beans are the backbone of a Spring application; they are the components that form the application and are responsible for performing its operations.

Key Concepts:

  1. Inversion of Control (IoC): Instead of the application code controlling the flow of the program, control is inverted and given to the IoC container. This means the container is responsible for instantiating, configuring, and managing the lifecycle of beans.

  2. Dependency Injection (DI): This is a design pattern that allows an object (the client) to receive other objects it depends on (the services) from the IoC container, rather than creating them directly.

Defining a Bean:

In Spring Boot, you can declare beans in several ways:

  • Using Annotations:

    • @Component: A generic stereotype for any Spring-managed component.
    • @Service: Indicates that an annotated class is a service component.
    • @Repository: Indicates that an annotated class is a repository (typically used for data access logic).
    • @Controller or @RestController: Indicates that an annotated class is a web controller.

    When you annotate a class with any of these annotations and have component scanning enabled (which is by default in Spring Boot), Spring will automatically detect and register these classes as beans.

  • Using the @Bean Annotation:

    You can manually define beans by annotating methods within a @Configuration class:

    public class AppConfig {
        public MyService myService() {
            return new MyServiceImpl();

Using Beans:

Once a bean is declared, you can inject it into other beans using annotations like @Autowired, @Inject, or constructor injection:

public class UserService {

    private final UserRepository userRepository;

    // Constructor Injection
    public UserService(UserRepository userRepository) {
        this.userRepository = userRepository;

    // Or Field Injection
    // @Autowired
    // private UserRepository userRepository;

    // Business logic methods...

Bean Scopes:

Beans can have different scopes that define their lifecycle within the application context:

  • singleton (default): Only one instance of the bean is created for the entire application context.
  • prototype: A new instance is created every time the bean is requested.
  • Others include request, session, application, and websocket for web-aware applications.

Why Beans Matter:

  • Loose Coupling: By managing dependencies externally, beans promote loose coupling between components.
  • Easier Testing: Beans can be easily mocked or stubbed for unit testing.
  • Configuration Management: Centralizes the configuration and lifecycle management of application components.
  • Modularity: Encourages writing modular and reusable code.

Example in Context:

Imagine you have a web application that processes user registrations. You might have a UserService bean that handles business logic, a UserRepository bean for database interactions, and a NotificationService bean to send emails. The IoC container manages these beans and their dependencies, so you can focus on implementing the business logic rather than wiring everything together manually.


In Spring Boot, a bean is a fundamental concept representing an object managed by the IoC container. Beans allow you to leverage powerful features like dependency injection, lifecycle management, and modular application design, making your application more maintainable and scalable.


import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;

public class Customer {

private String name;

public Customer(String name) { = name;



import org.springframework.boot.SpringApplication;
import org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.SpringBootApplication;
import org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Bean;

public class DemoTransaction2Application {

public static void main(String[] args) {
ApplicationContext apc =, args);
for (String s : apc.getBeanDefinitionNames()) {

public String getName() {
return "Parvin";


---- Dependency Injection

Dependency Injection (DI) Pattern

Dependency Injection (DI) is a design pattern used in software development to achieve loose coupling between components. It is a central concept in frameworks like Spring, Guice, and others.


Dependency Injection is a technique where an object (or class) receives its dependencies from an external source rather than creating them itself. This external source manages the lifecycle and resolution of dependencies, allowing the object to focus solely on its own functionality.

Why Use Dependency Injection?

  1. Loose Coupling:

    • Reduces dependencies between components.
    • Makes code easier to modify, test, and maintain.
  2. Improved Testability:

    • Dependencies can be replaced with mock objects during unit testing.
  3. Code Reusability:

    • Components are easier to reuse in different contexts because they don't create their own dependencies.
  4. Better Separation of Concerns (SoC):

    • Objects focus only on their responsibilities, delegating dependency management.

How Does It Work?

Dependency Injection can be achieved in various ways:

  1. Constructor Injection:
    • Dependencies are provided through the class constructor.
  2. Setter Injection:
    • Dependencies are provided via setter methods.
  3. Field Injection (not recommended):
    • Dependencies are injected directly into the fields using reflection (e.g., with annotations like @Autowired in Spring).

Example: Without DI (Tightly Coupled)

public class Car {
    private Engine engine;

    public Car() {
        this.engine = new Engine(); // Car creates its own dependency

    public void start() {;

Here, the Car class is tightly coupled with the Engine class. If we want to change the Engine implementation (e.g., to an ElectricEngine), we must modify the Car class.

Example: With DI (Loosely Coupled)

public class Car {
    private Engine engine;

    // Constructor Injection
    public Car(Engine engine) {
        this.engine = engine; // Dependency is provided externally

    public void start() {;

public interface Engine {
    void run();

public class PetrolEngine implements Engine {
    public void run() {
        System.out.println("Petrol Engine is running.");

public class ElectricEngine implements Engine {
    public void run() {
        System.out.println("Electric Engine is running.");

// Dependency Injection in action
public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Engine petrolEngine = new PetrolEngine();
        Car car = new Car(petrolEngine); // Injecting dependency


  • The Car class depends on the Engine interface, not a specific implementation.
  • The dependency is injected externally, making the Car class more flexible and testable.

Types of Dependency Injection

  1. Constructor Injection: Dependencies are passed via the constructor.

    • Ensures immutability (dependencies cannot be changed after creation).
    • Most widely used.
    • Example in Spring:
      public class Car {
          private final Engine engine;
          public Car(Engine engine) {
              this.engine = engine;
  2. Setter Injection: Dependencies are passed via setter methods.

    • Allows optional dependencies.
    • Example in Spring:
      public class Car {
          private Engine engine;
          public void setEngine(Engine engine) {
              this.engine = engine;
  3. Field Injection: Dependencies are injected directly into fields.

    • Often used with annotations like @Autowired or @Inject.
    • Example in Spring:
      public class Car {
          private Engine engine;

    ⚠️ Field Injection is discouraged because:

    • It’s harder to test (dependency cannot be replaced easily).
    • Violates encapsulation.

Dependency Injection vs. Service Locator

Feature Dependency Injection Service Locator
Dependency Management External framework injects dependencies. Object fetches its dependencies.
Coupling Promotes loose coupling. Leads to tighter coupling.
Testability Easier to test. Harder to mock dependencies.

Dependency Injection in Spring

In Spring, DI is the foundation of the Inversion of Control (IoC) container. Spring manages the lifecycle and injection of beans (dependencies). Example:

  1. Define Beans:

    public class PetrolEngine implements Engine {
        public void run() {
            System.out.println("Petrol Engine is running.");
  2. Inject Beans:

    public class Car {
        private final Engine engine;
        public Car(Engine engine) {
            this.engine = engine;
        public void start() {
  3. Application Context: Spring automatically resolves and injects dependencies based on configurations.


Dependency Injection:

  • Decouples components.
  • Enhances testability, maintainability, and flexibility.
  • Is widely used in modern frameworks like Spring, which automate the process of injection and dependency management.

----- IoC: Inversion of Control

Inversion of Control (IoC) is a fundamental principle in software engineering where the control of object creation and dependency management is inverted from the application code to an external entity, typically a container or framework. In simpler terms, instead of your code controlling the flow and dependencies, the framework takes over that responsibility.

What is IoC?

Inversion of Control (IoC) refers to a design paradigm that delegates the control flow of a program to an external source. The core idea is to invert the conventional flow of control:

  • Traditional Approach: The application code is responsible for creating objects and managing dependencies.
  • IoC Approach: An external container or framework handles object creation, configuration, and dependency management, allowing the application code to focus on business logic.

Key Benefits of IoC:

  • Loose Coupling: Reduces dependencies between components, making the system more modular.
  • Reusability: Components can be easily reused in different contexts.
  • Testability: Simplifies unit testing by allowing easy substitution of dependencies with mocks or stubs.
  • Maintainability: Centralizes configuration and lifecycle management, simplifying updates and changes.

IoC Implementation in Spring Boot

In Spring Boot—and the broader Spring Framework—the IoC principle is implemented through the IoC Container, which is responsible for instantiating, configuring, and managing the lifecycle of beans (objects). Spring provides two primary interfaces that represent the IoC container:

  1. BeanFactory
  2. ApplicationContext

1. BeanFactory

  • Definition: The BeanFactory is the root interface for accessing the Spring container. It provides basic functionalities for managing beans, such as instantiation, configuration, and wiring.
  • Features:
    • Lazy Initialization: Beans are created when they are requested for the first time, not at startup.
    • Lightweight: Suitable for lightweight applications where memory consumption is critical.
  • Usage Scenario: Typically used in scenarios where memory consumption needs to be minimized, and advanced features of ApplicationContext are not required.

2. ApplicationContext

  • Definition: ApplicationContext is a sub-interface of BeanFactory that adds more enterprise-specific functionalities.
  • Features:
    • Eager Initialization: All singleton beans are instantiated at startup.
    • Internationalization (i18n): Supports resource bundles for internationalization.
    • Event Propagation: Allows beans to publish and listen to events.
    • Resource Loading: Facilitates loading of external resources like files.
    • Annotation Scanning: Automatically detects and registers beans annotated with @Component, @Service, etc.
  • Usage Scenario: Preferred in most enterprise applications due to its rich set of features.

How IoC Works in Spring Boot

In Spring Boot, the ApplicationContext is the primary IoC container used. Here's how it works:

  1. Startup:

    • When a Spring Boot application starts, it creates an instance of ApplicationContext.
    • The method bootstraps the application, initializing the IoC container.
    public class MyApp {
        public static void main(String[] args) {
  , args);
  2. Component Scanning:

    • Spring Boot automatically scans for classes annotated with stereotypes like @Component, @Service, @Repository, and @Controller within the base package.
    • These classes are registered as beans within the IoC container.
  3. Bean Instantiation and Dependency Injection:

    • The IoC container instantiates the beans and injects dependencies where required.
    • Dependencies are injected using annotations like @Autowired, @Inject, or through constructor injection.
    public class UserService {
        private final UserRepository userRepository;
        // Constructor Injection
        public UserService(UserRepository userRepository) {
            this.userRepository = userRepository;
        // Business logic methods...
  4. Configuration Management:

    • Beans can be manually defined using @Configuration classes and @Bean methods.
    • External configurations (like properties files) can also be loaded and injected into beans.
    public class AppConfig {
        public MyService myService() {
            return new MyServiceImpl();
  5. Lifecycle Management:

    • The IoC container manages the entire lifecycle of beans, from instantiation to destruction.
    • You can hook into lifecycle events using annotations like @PostConstruct and @PreDestroy.

BeanFactory vs. ApplicationContext

While both BeanFactory and ApplicationContext are implementations of the IoC container in Spring, they serve different purposes and offer different features.


  • Pros:
    • Lightweight and minimalistic.
    • Suitable for simple applications where advanced features are unnecessary.
  • Cons:
    • Lacks many enterprise features.
    • Does not support annotation-based scanning by default.


  • Pros:
    • Provides all features of BeanFactory plus additional enterprise functionalities.
    • Supports internationalization, event propagation, resource loading, and annotation-based scanning.
  • Cons:
    • Slightly heavier due to the additional features.
    • Eager initialization can lead to longer startup times if many beans are present.

When to Use Which

  • Use BeanFactory: In lightweight applications where resource constraints are critical, and you don't need advanced features.
  • Use ApplicationContext: In most standard and enterprise applications where you benefit from the additional functionalities.


  • IoC (Inversion of Control): A design principle where the control flow is inverted, and an external container manages object creation and dependencies.
  • Implementation in Spring Boot:
    • BeanFactory: Basic IoC container with minimal features.
    • ApplicationContext: Advanced IoC container with enterprise features, commonly used in Spring Boot applications.
  • How It Works:
    • Spring Boot initializes the ApplicationContext at startup.
    • It scans for components and registers them as beans.
    • Manages bean lifecycle and dependencies through the IoC container.
  • Benefits:
    • Promotes loose coupling and modularity.
    • Enhances testability and maintainability.
    • Simplifies configuration and dependency management.

Example in Context

Imagine building an e-commerce application with Spring Boot:

  • Controllers: Handle HTTP requests.
    • Annotated with @RestController or @Controller.
  • Services: Contain business logic.
    • Annotated with @Service.
    • May depend on repositories and other services.
  • Repositories: Handle data access.
    • Annotated with @Repository.
    • Interact with the database.

IoC Container Role:

  • Automatically scans and registers these components.
  • Manages dependencies (e.g., injecting a ProductRepository into a ProductService).
  • Configures beans based on external properties or profiles.
  • Handles the lifecycle, ensuring resources are properly initialized and released.


In Spring Boot, Inversion of Control (IoC) is a core principle that enables the framework to manage object creation, configuration, and dependency management. The ApplicationContext is the primary IoC container used in Spring Boot applications, providing a rich set of features that facilitate enterprise-level application development. Understanding IoC and its implementation in Spring Boot is crucial for building scalable, maintainable, and testable applications.

---- About application context

Certainly! The Spring Boot application context is a cornerstone of the Spring Framework and Spring Boot applications. It is responsible for managing the lifecycle of beans, resolving dependencies, and providing configuration management. Understanding how it works under the hood can help you make more effective use of Spring Boot in your applications.

## What is the Application Context?

In Spring Framework, the **ApplicationContext** is an advanced container that builds on top of the basic **BeanFactory** container. It provides a means to:

- Manage bean lifecycle and scope.

- Resolve dependencies between beans.

- Publish events to registered listeners.

- Provide support for internationalization.

- Load file resources.

In Spring Boot, the application context is automatically created and configured based on the application's classpath and annotations.

## How Does It Work Under the Hood?

### 1. **Bootstrapping the Application Context**

When you run a Spring Boot application, it starts by invoking the `main` method, which typically calls ``. This method performs several key actions:

- **Creates an instance of `SpringApplication`**: This class is responsible for starting the Spring application.

- **Determines the type of application**: Whether it's a web application or not, based on the presence of specific classes like `DispatcherServlet`.

- **Sets up default configuration**: Reads from `` or `application.yml`.

- **Starts the application context**: Creates and refreshes the application context.

### 2. **Creating the Application Context**

Spring Boot uses a hierarchical context structure:

- **Parent Context**: Usually contains core beans.

- **Child Context**: Specific to web applications and contains web-related beans.

The application context is an instance of `AnnotationConfigApplicationContext` or `AnnotationConfigServletWebServerApplicationContext` for web applications.

### 3. **ClassPath Scanning and Bean Definition**

- **Component Scanning**: Spring Boot uses component scanning to detect classes annotated with stereotypes like `@Component`, `@Service`, `@Repository`, and `@Controller`.

- **Configuration Classes**: Classes annotated with `@Configuration` are processed to generate bean definitions.

- **Auto-Configuration**: Spring Boot's `@EnableAutoConfiguration` (included in `@SpringBootApplication`) triggers auto-configuration based on the dependencies present in the classpath.

### 4. **Bean Creation and Dependency Injection**

- **Bean Definitions**: The application context holds bean definitions, which are recipes for creating beans.

- **Bean Post-Processors**: Before and after beans are initialized, they can be modified by `BeanPostProcessor`s.

- **Dependency Resolution**: Beans can have dependencies injected via constructor injection, setter injection, or field injection (using `@Autowired`).

### 5. **Event Publishing**

- During the startup process, Spring Boot publishes various events (e.g., `ApplicationStartedEvent`, `ApplicationReadyEvent`).

- Beans can listen to these events by implementing `ApplicationListener`.

### 6. **Environment and Property Sources**

- **Environment Abstraction**: Manages profiles and properties.

- **Property Sources**: Properties can come from various sources like properties files, environment variables, command-line arguments, etc.

### 7. **Lifecycle Management**

- The application context manages the lifecycle of beans, including initialization and destruction callbacks.

- Implements the `Lifecycle` interface to start and stop beans as needed.

## Key Components Under the Hood

### **SpringApplication**

- Entry point for starting a Spring Boot application.

- Configures the environment, sets up the application context, and triggers the refresh.

### **Auto-Configuration**

- Uses `@Conditional` annotations to configure beans based on the presence or absence of certain classes or beans.

- Auto-configuration classes are listed in `spring.factories` files under `META-INF`.

### **Condition Evaluation**

- Conditions like `@ConditionalOnClass`, `@ConditionalOnMissingBean`, etc., control whether a bean should be created.

### **Embedded Servers**

- For web applications, Spring Boot can start an embedded server like Tomcat, Jetty, or Undertow.

- The server is started during the application context refresh phase.

## Example Workflow

1. **Start Application**: `, args);`

2. **Prepare Environment**: Read properties and configure the environment.

3. **Create Application Context**: Depending on the application type.

4. **Register Beans**: Scan for components and load bean definitions.

5. **Process Configurations**: Apply auto-configuration and user-defined configurations.

6. **Refresh Context**: Instantiate beans, resolve dependencies, and initialize beans.

7. **Start Embedded Server**: For web applications, start the server.

8. **Application Ready**: The application is ready to serve requests.

## Conclusion

The Spring Boot application context is a powerful and flexible mechanism that abstracts away much of the boilerplate configuration required in traditional Spring applications. It leverages conventions, auto-configuration, and smart defaults to simplify application development.

Understanding the internal workings can help you:

- Customize the application context when needed.

- Optimize startup time by excluding unnecessary auto-configurations.

- Debug issues related to bean creation and dependency injection.

By appreciating how Spring Boot manages the application context under the hood, you can write more efficient and maintainable Spring applications.


You are correct that **`ApplicationContext`** and **`BeanFactory`** are fundamental to the **Inversion of Control (IoC)** implementation in Spring. These are **IoC containers**, not mechanisms, and they provide the infrastructure for IoC in Spring by managing beans and their dependencies.

To clarify:


### **`BeanFactory`**

- **What is it?**  

  The core, lightweight IoC container in Spring.

- **Role in IoC:**  

  It manages bean instantiation, configuration, and lifecycle.

- **Characteristics:**

  - Lazy initialization: Beans are created only when they are requested.

  - Low memory footprint and lightweight.

  - Suitable for simple applications or resource-constrained environments.

- **Key Use Case:**  

  Used in environments where resource management is critical, such as mobile or embedded applications.

- **Example:**


  Resource resource = new ClassPathResource("beans.xml");

  BeanFactory factory = new XmlBeanFactory(resource);

  MyBean myBean = factory.getBean(MyBean.class);



### **`ApplicationContext`**

- **What is it?**  

  A more advanced IoC container built on top of `BeanFactory`.

- **Role in IoC:**  

  Extends the functionality of `BeanFactory` with additional enterprise-level features.

- **Characteristics:**

  - Eager initialization: Beans are pre-loaded at startup (default).

  - Supports event propagation and application-level event handling.

  - Provides internationalization (i18n) support.

  - Supports annotation-based configuration (`@Component`, `@Service`, etc.).

  - More feature-rich and commonly used in Spring Boot.

- **Key Use Case:**  

  Used in enterprise-level applications for robust IoC management and integration.

- **Example:**


  ApplicationContext context = new AnnotationConfigApplicationContext(AppConfig.class);


  MyBean myBean = context.getBean(MyBean.class);



### **Differences Between `BeanFactory` and `ApplicationContext`**

| Feature                          | `BeanFactory`                   | `ApplicationContext`           |


| **Initialization**               | Lazy initialization             | Eager initialization           |

| **Event Handling**               | Not supported                   | Supported                      |

| **Annotation Support**           | Not directly supported          | Fully supported                |

| **Internationalization (i18n)**  | Not supported                   | Supported                      |

| **Default Use**                  | Lightweight applications         | Enterprise applications         |


### **Why Two Implementations?**

1. **`BeanFactory`** is the basic IoC container and serves as the foundation for Spring's IoC.

2. **`ApplicationContext`** builds on `BeanFactory` to provide additional enterprise features, making it more versatile for modern applications like those built with Spring Boot.

In Spring Boot, you generally work with `ApplicationContext`, as it is automatically initialized and provides all the functionality you need.


### Conclusion

So while **`BeanFactory`** and **`ApplicationContext`** are indeed the **two IoC container implementations** in Spring, they serve different purposes and levels of complexity:

- **`BeanFactory`**: Minimalist IoC container.

- **`ApplicationContext`**: Full-featured IoC container with advanced features for enterprise applications.

Let me know if you'd like further examples or details!


In Spring, there are **five primary methods** to create and manage beans in the IoC container. Each method offers flexibility for different use cases, and Spring Boot typically uses a combination of these techniques.


### 1. **Annotation-Based Configuration**

   - **Using `@Component`, `@Service`, `@Repository`, `@Controller`**  

     These annotations register classes as Spring-managed beans.

   - **Default Scanning**: The `@SpringBootApplication` or `@ComponentScan` annotation automatically scans and registers these classes.

   - **Example**:



     public class MyBean {

         public void doSomething() {

             System.out.println("Doing something...");




     To access the bean:



     private MyBean myBean;



### 2. **Java-Based Configuration**

   - **Using `@Configuration` and `@Bean`**

     - This method allows explicit bean definitions in a configuration class.

   - **Example**:



     public class AppConfig {


         public MyBean myBean() {

             return new MyBean();




     - **Use Case**: When you need more control over the bean creation logic or need to pass parameters to the constructor.


### 3. **XML-Based Configuration**

   - **Using XML Files**

     - Beans are declared in an XML file with `<bean>` tags.

   - **Example**:


     <beans xmlns=""




         <bean id="myBean" class="com.example.MyBean"/>



     To load the context:


     ApplicationContext context = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("beans.xml");

     MyBean myBean = context.getBean(MyBean.class);



### 4. **Factory Method**

   - **Static Factory Methods**

     - You can define a bean that is created using a static factory method.

   - **Example**:


     public class MyBeanFactory {

         public static MyBean createInstance() {

             return new MyBean();




     public class AppConfig {


         public MyBean myBean() {

             return MyBeanFactory.createInstance();




   - **Instance Factory Methods**

     - You can define a bean that is created by an instance method of another bean.

   - **Example**:


     public class MyFactory {

         public MyBean createInstance() {

             return new MyBean();




     public class AppConfig {


         public MyFactory myFactory() {

             return new MyFactory();



         public MyBean myBean(MyFactory myFactory) {

             return myFactory.createInstance();





### 5. **Programmatically via `ApplicationContext`**

   - You can manually create and register beans at runtime using `ApplicationContext` or `ConfigurableApplicationContext`.

   - **Example**:


     AnnotationConfigApplicationContext context = new AnnotationConfigApplicationContext(AppConfig.class);

     MyBean myBean = new MyBean();

     context.getBeanFactory().registerSingleton("myBean", myBean);

     MyBean retrievedBean = (MyBean) context.getBean("myBean");



   - **Use Case**: Rarely used, typically for dynamically generated beans or plugins.


### Summary Table of Bean Creation Methods

| **Method**                       | **Description**                                                     | **Use Case**                                                   |


| **Annotation-Based (`@Component`)** | Register beans automatically via annotations (`@Component`, etc.). | Default method in Spring Boot, suitable for most applications. |

| **Java-Based (`@Configuration`)** | Define beans explicitly using `@Bean` in a configuration class.    | Complex initialization logic or parameterized constructors.   |

| **XML-Based (`<bean>` tags)**     | Define beans in an XML file.                                        | Legacy projects or specific XML-based configurations.         |

| **Factory Methods**               | Create beans using static or instance factory methods.              | Specialized factories or reusable bean creation logic.         |

| **Programmatic (`ApplicationContext`)** | Dynamically create and register beans programmatically.             | Plugins, dynamic components, or runtime-driven beans.         |


### **Which Should You Use?**

- **Modern Applications**: Use **Annotation-Based Configuration** and **Java-Based Configuration** for simplicity and flexibility.

- **Legacy or Integration Projects**: XML may be necessary for backward compatibility.

- **Special Cases**: Factory methods or programmatic registration for advanced scenarios.

Let me know if you'd like examples or further clarification for any method!


Difference between SpringFramework and SpringBoot

The **Spring Framework** and **Spring Boot** are related, but they serve different purposes within the Spring ecosystem. Here’s a detailed comparison of the two:


### **1. Definition**

#### **Spring Framework**

- **What is it?**

  - A comprehensive, feature-rich framework for building enterprise-grade Java applications.

  - Provides foundational support for Dependency Injection (IoC), Aspect-Oriented Programming (AOP), and a wide range of enterprise functionalities (e.g., transaction management, messaging, and security).

- **Focus**: Flexibility and modularity.

#### **Spring Boot**

- **What is it?**

  - A sub-project of the Spring Framework designed to simplify and accelerate the development of Spring-based applications.

  - Provides a **pre-configured environment** with opinionated defaults to minimize boilerplate code and configuration.

- **Focus**: Rapid development with minimal configuration.


### **2. Configuration**

#### **Spring Framework**

- Requires a significant amount of **manual configuration**.

- Supports configuration via:

  - XML (`beans.xml`).

  - Java-based configuration (`@Configuration` with `@Bean`).

  - Annotation-based configuration (`@Component`, `@Autowired`).

#### **Spring Boot**

- **Auto-configuration**: Automatically configures your application based on the dependencies in your classpath.

- Minimizes the need for XML or Java-based configuration.

- Uses **`@SpringBootApplication`** to enable:

  - Component scanning.

  - Auto-configuration.

  - Java-based configuration.


### **3. Setup and Initialization**

#### **Spring Framework**

- Requires manual setup of the application environment, including web servers (e.g., Tomcat).

- Developers must define configurations for the core application, such as data sources, transaction managers, and security.

#### **Spring Boot**

- Comes with **embedded servers** (e.g., Tomcat, Jetty, Undertow), so you don’t need to deploy the app to an external server.

- Starts with minimal boilerplate code using its **starter dependencies**.


- A simple Spring Boot application can run with just this code:



  public class MyApp {

      public static void main(String[] args) {

, args);





### **4. Features**

| Feature                          | Spring Framework                            | Spring Boot                             |


| **Dependency Injection (IoC)**  | Full support                                | Full support                            |

| **Aspect-Oriented Programming** | Fully supported                             | Fully supported                         |

| **Auto-Configuration**          | Not available (manual configuration needed) | Built-in                                |

| **Embedded Web Servers**        | Not included                                | Included (Tomcat, Jetty, Undertow)      |

| **Starter Dependencies**        | Not available                               | Available (e.g., `spring-boot-starter`) |

| **Microservice Support**        | Supported, but needs manual configuration   | Fully optimized for microservices       |

| **Actuator for Monitoring**     | Not included                                | Built-in support with `spring-boot-actuator` |


### **5. Development Speed**

#### **Spring Framework**

- Slower development due to extensive configuration and setup requirements.

- Suitable for complex, highly customized applications.

#### **Spring Boot**

- Faster development because of:

  - Auto-configuration.

  - Opinionated defaults.

  - Starter dependencies.

- Ideal for creating microservices or rapid prototyping.


### **6. Deployment**

#### **Spring Framework**

- Typically deployed as a **WAR file** to an external web server like Tomcat.

- Additional steps are needed to configure the server environment.

#### **Spring Boot**

- Comes with an **embedded server**, enabling deployment as a **self-contained JAR file**.

- Simplifies deployment with commands like:


  java -jar myapp.jar



### **7. Use Cases**

| **Use Case**                    | **Spring Framework**                         | **Spring Boot**                         |


| **Enterprise Applications**     | Suitable for large, complex applications.   | Suitable, but overkill for simple apps. |

| **Microservices**               | Supported but requires manual configuration.| Optimized for microservices.            |

| **Legacy Application Support**  | Fully supported.                            | Not ideal for legacy applications.      |

| **Rapid Prototyping**           | Slower setup.                               | Perfect for rapid development.          |


### **8. Learning Curve**

#### **Spring Framework**

- **Steeper learning curve** due to:

  - Complex configurations.

  - Numerous modules to learn.

#### **Spring Boot**

- **Simpler to learn** and start with, especially for beginners, because:

  - Provides sensible defaults.

  - Requires minimal setup.


### **Summary: When to Use What?**

| **Use Spring Framework**                              | **Use Spring Boot**                              |


| You need full control over configurations.            | You want quick and simple setup with minimal config. |

| Building a large, complex, or legacy application.     | Building microservices or RESTful APIs quickly. |

| You need modular, standalone components without extras.| You want embedded servers and out-of-the-box features. |


### Final Thoughts

- **Spring Framework**: A robust, comprehensive framework for all types of enterprise applications, but requires manual configuration and setup.

- **Spring Boot**: Built on top of the Spring Framework, it simplifies and accelerates the development process with auto-configuration, starter dependencies, and embedded servers.

While **starters** are a key feature of **Spring Boot**, they are not the **main difference** between **Spring Framework** and **Spring Boot**. The differences go beyond just the starters and cover areas such as **configuration**, **deployment**, and **development speed**.

Here’s a breakdown to clarify:


### **Key Differences: Starters vs. Other Features**

#### 1. **Starters (Simplified Dependency Management)**

- **What are Spring Boot starters?**

  - Pre-defined dependency bundles that include common libraries for specific functionalities.

  - Example: `spring-boot-starter-web` includes libraries for building web applications (e.g., Spring MVC, embedded Tomcat).


  **Why it's a difference:**

  - In the Spring Framework, developers manually manage dependencies for each feature. 

  - In Spring Boot, starters simplify this process, saving time and reducing errors.

  **Example in Spring Framework:**


  <!-- Manually add dependencies -->












  **Example in Spring Boot:**


  <!-- Starter simplifies the configuration -->







#### 2. **Auto-Configuration**

- **Spring Framework**: Requires manual configuration of beans, dependencies, and other components.

- **Spring Boot**: Uses **auto-configuration** to automatically set up beans and configurations based on the classpath dependencies.


- Adding `spring-boot-starter-data-jpa` in Spring Boot automatically:

  - Configures a `DataSource`.

  - Sets up Hibernate as the JPA provider.

  - Registers an `EntityManager`.

In Spring Framework, all of this would need to be configured manually in XML or Java configuration.


#### 3. **Embedded Web Server**

- **Spring Framework**: Requires an external web server (e.g., Apache Tomcat) for deployment. Applications are typically packaged as **WAR** files.

- **Spring Boot**: Comes with embedded web servers (Tomcat, Jetty, or Undertow). Applications are typically packaged as **JAR** files and can be run directly with `java -jar`.


#### 4. **Ease of Setup**

- **Spring Framework**: Requires more boilerplate code and manual setup.

- **Spring Boot**: Uses opinionated defaults (e.g., default port 8080 for web apps) to get you started quickly.


- A Spring Boot application can run with just this:



  public class MyApp {

      public static void main(String[] args) {

, args);




  In the Spring Framework, you'd need to configure XML or Java classes for component scanning, web initialization, etc.


#### 5. **Monitoring and Metrics**

- **Spring Framework**: Requires additional setup for monitoring and health checks.

- **Spring Boot**: Comes with **Actuator**, which provides built-in endpoints for metrics, health checks, and application monitoring.


### **Are Starters the Main Difference?**

No, **starters** are one of the features that make Spring Boot more convenient, but the **main difference** lies in the overall philosophy and goals:

- **Spring Framework** focuses on flexibility and modularity, giving developers complete control.

- **Spring Boot** focuses on simplicity and speed, offering pre-configured environments, auto-configuration, and opinionated defaults to minimize boilerplate code.

In essence:

- **Starters** are an important part of Spring Boot but not the sole differentiator.

- The **main difference** is **Spring Boot's focus on ease of use and rapid development**, whereas the **Spring Framework** emphasizes flexibility and customization.

You are correct! In Spring, there are four primary ways to create and define beans. Each method corresponds to different configurations and use cases. Let's explore them:

1. Annotation-Based Configuration

This method uses annotations to define and manage beans. It is the most common and modern approach in Spring.

  • Annotations Used:

    • @Component: Marks a class as a Spring-managed component.
    • @Service, @Repository, @Controller: Specializations of @Component for specific roles.
    • @Autowired: Injects dependencies automatically.
  • Example:

public class MyService {
    public void serve() {
        System.out.println("Service is running!");

public class MyController {
    private final MyService myService;

    public MyController(MyService myService) {
        this.myService = myService;
  • Benefits:
    • Simplifies configuration by removing XML boilerplate.
    • Promotes a declarative and readable style.

2. XML-Based Configuration

This is the traditional way to define beans in Spring. Beans and their dependencies are configured in an XML file.

  • Example (beans.xml):
<beans xmlns=""

    <bean id="myService" class="com.example.MyService" />
    <bean id="myController" class="com.example.MyController">
        <constructor-arg ref="myService" />
  • Loading XML Configuration:
ApplicationContext context = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("beans.xml");
MyController controller = context.getBean(MyController.class);
  • Benefits:
    • Useful for legacy systems.
    • Provides a centralized configuration file.

3. Java-Based Configuration

Introduced in Spring 3, this approach allows you to define beans using Java classes and the @Configuration and @Bean annotations.

  • Example:
public class AppConfig {

    public MyService myService() {
        return new MyService();

    public MyController myController(MyService myService) {
        return new MyController(myService);
  • Loading Java Configuration:
ApplicationContext context = new AnnotationConfigApplicationContext(AppConfig.class);
MyController controller = context.getBean(MyController.class);
  • Benefits:
    • Type-safe configuration.
    • Eliminates XML configuration.
    • Works well with modern Java features.

4. Groovy-Based Configuration

Spring also supports configuration using Groovy, a dynamic scripting language for the JVM. This approach is less common but can be useful in specific scenarios where scripting flexibility is needed.

  • Example (beans.groovy):
beans {
    myController(com.example.MyController, ref("myService"))
  • Loading Groovy Configuration:
ApplicationContext context = new GenericGroovyApplicationContext("beans.groovy");
MyController controller = context.getBean(MyController.class);
  • Benefits:
    • Offers a concise syntax for bean definitions.
    • Useful in environments where Groovy is already in use.

Comparison of Bean Creation Methods

Type Pros Cons
Annotation-Based Simple, modern, widely used. Harder to manage in very large projects.
XML-Based Centralized configuration, legacy support. Verbose and harder to maintain.
Java-Based Type-safe, modern, eliminates XML. Requires extra boilerplate for complex cases.
Groovy-Based Concise, dynamic, good for scripting. Less commonly used and supported.

Which Method Should You Use?

  • Modern Projects: Prefer annotation-based and Java-based configurations.
  • Legacy Projects: Stick with XML-based configuration if the system already uses it.
  • Dynamic Needs: Use Groovy-based configuration for flexibility in scripting environments.

By combining these methods (e.g., mixing Java-based and annotation-based configurations), you can harness the strengths of multiple approaches!


Spring Framework vs Spring Boot


The Spring Framework and Spring Boot are both key components of the Spring ecosystem, designed to simplify the development of Java applications. While they are related and often used together, they serve different purposes and offer distinct features.

Spring Framework


  • The Spring Framework is a comprehensive, modular framework for building enterprise-level Java applications.
  • It provides foundational support for features like Inversion of Control (IoC), Dependency Injection (DI), Aspect-Oriented Programming (AOP), and more.
  • The framework is non-opinionated, offering flexibility in how you configure and structure your applications.

Key Features:

  1. Inversion of Control (IoC) Container:

    • Manages the creation and lifecycle of objects (beans) and their dependencies.
    • Promotes loose coupling and easier testing.
  2. Dependency Injection (DI):

    • Allows objects to define their dependencies (other objects they work with) without creating them directly.
    • Supports constructor, setter, and field injection.
  3. Aspect-Oriented Programming (AOP):

    • Separates cross-cutting concerns (like logging, security) from business logic.
    • Enhances modularity and code reuse.
  4. Data Access and Transaction Management:

    • Simplifies database interactions using JDBC, ORM tools (like Hibernate), and transaction management.
  5. Spring MVC (Model-View-Controller):

    • Provides a framework for building web applications.
    • Supports RESTful services and web sockets.
  6. Integration with Other Technologies:

    • Easily integrates with various technologies and frameworks like JPA, JMS, and more.


  • Requires manual setup and configuration.
  • Developers define beans and their dependencies explicitly, often using XML or Java annotations.
  • Suitable for complex applications requiring fine-grained control over configurations.

Spring Boot


  • Spring Boot is built on top of the Spring Framework and aims to simplify the bootstrapping and development of Spring applications.
  • It is opinionated, providing default configurations and setups to minimize the amount of code and configuration required.
  • Spring Boot allows developers to create stand-alone, production-ready applications quickly.

Key Features:

  1. Auto-Configuration:

    • Automatically configures Spring and third-party libraries based on the dependencies present in the classpath.
    • Reduces the need for manual configuration.
  2. Starter POMs (Project Object Models):

    • Provides a set of convenient dependency descriptors to simplify Maven or Gradle build configurations.
    • Examples include spring-boot-starter-web, spring-boot-starter-data-jpa, etc.
  3. Embedded Servers:

    • Includes embedded web servers like Tomcat, Jetty, or Undertow.
    • Eliminates the need for deploying WAR files to external servers.
  4. Spring Boot Actuator:

    • Offers production-ready features like health checks, metrics, and monitoring.
    • Provides endpoints for managing and monitoring applications.
  5. Opinionated Defaults:

    • Follows the "convention over configuration" principle.
    • Encourages best practices while allowing overrides when necessary.
  6. CLI and Initializer:

    • Spring Boot CLI allows for quick prototyping with Groovy scripts.
    • Spring Initializr provides a web interface to generate project templates.


  • Minimal setup; applications can be up and running with minimal code.
  • Focuses on rapid development and reducing boilerplate.
  • Ideal for microservices and RESTful APIs.

Key Differences Between Spring Framework and Spring Boot

  1. Configuration Complexity:

    • Spring Framework:

      • Requires explicit configuration.
      • Developers need to set up application contexts, define beans, and manage dependencies manually.
      • Offers greater flexibility but at the cost of increased complexity.
    • Spring Boot:

      • Provides auto-configuration to reduce manual setup.
      • Uses starter dependencies to simplify build configurations.
      • Aims for simplicity and speed in development.
  2. Startup Time and Application Size:

    • Spring Framework:

      • Can have longer startup times due to manual configurations.
      • Application size depends on included modules and configurations.
    • Spring Boot:

      • Faster startup times thanks to auto-configuration and embedded servers.
      • Generates stand-alone applications with all necessary dependencies bundled.
  3. Deployment:

    • Spring Framework:

      • Typically packaged as WAR files and deployed to external application servers.
      • Requires managing server configurations separately.
    • Spring Boot:

      • Produces executable JAR files with embedded servers.
      • Simplifies deployment; applications can run independently using java -jar.
  4. Production-Ready Features:

    • Spring Framework:

      • Does not include built-in tools for monitoring or managing applications.
      • Requires additional setup for metrics, health checks, etc.
    • Spring Boot:

      • Includes Actuator for monitoring and managing applications.
      • Provides endpoints for health checks, metrics, and environment information out of the box.
  5. Learning Curve:

    • Spring Framework:

      • Steeper learning curve due to the need to understand and configure various components manually.
      • Requires familiarity with the core concepts and extensive APIs.
    • Spring Boot:

      • Easier for beginners to get started.
      • Allows developers to focus on writing business logic rather than boilerplate code.
  6. Flexibility vs. Convention:

    • Spring Framework:

      • Highly flexible; allows for extensive customization.
      • Developers have full control over configurations and setups.
    • Spring Boot:

      • Opinionated defaults promote standardization.
      • Less flexible out of the box but can be customized if needed.

How They Relate

  • Spring Boot is built on top of the Spring Framework.

    • It leverages the core functionalities of the Spring Framework while adding auto-configuration and embedded server support.
    • Spring Boot applications are essentially Spring Framework applications with additional conveniences.
  • Compatibility:

    • Spring Boot is compatible with all modules of the Spring Framework.
    • Developers can access all the features of the Spring Framework when using Spring Boot.

When to Use Each

Spring Framework:

  • Use Cases:

    • Large-scale, complex applications requiring extensive customization.
    • Projects where you need fine-grained control over configurations.
    • Situations where you are migrating or maintaining legacy applications built with Spring Framework.
  • Advantages:

    • Maximum flexibility and control.
    • Tailored configurations for specific requirements.

Spring Boot:

  • Use Cases:

    • Microservices and RESTful API development.
    • Rapid application development and prototyping.
    • Cloud-based applications and deployment.
  • Advantages:

    • Reduced development time.
    • Simplified deployment and testing.
    • Built-in production-ready features.

Example Scenario

Developing a RESTful Web Service

  • Using Spring Framework:

    • Setup:

      • Create a Maven or Gradle project.
      • Manually add dependencies for Spring MVC, Jackson (for JSON processing), etc.
      • Configure application context files (XML or Java-based configuration).
      • Set up a web.xml file for deployment descriptors.
      • Define beans and their scopes.
    • Deployment:

      • Package the application as a WAR file.
      • Deploy to an external servlet container like Tomcat or Jetty.
  • Using Spring Boot:

    • Setup:

      • Use Spring Initializr or Spring Boot CLI to create a project with the spring-boot-starter-web dependency.
      • Write controller classes using @RestController.
      • No need to configure application context or deployment descriptors manually.
    • Deployment:

      • Run the application directly using java -jar.
      • The embedded Tomcat server handles HTTP requests.


  • Spring Framework is a robust, feature-rich framework that provides extensive support for building complex Java applications. It requires manual configuration, offering maximum flexibility and control.

  • Spring Boot simplifies the development experience by providing auto-configuration, starter dependencies, embedded servers, and production-ready features. It reduces boilerplate code and accelerates the development process.

Key Takeaways:

  • Spring Framework is ideal when you need detailed control over your application's infrastructure and behavior.
  • Spring Boot is best suited for quickly building stand-alone, production-grade applications with minimal configuration.


Choosing between Spring Framework and Spring Boot depends on your project's requirements and your preferences for configuration and control:

  • If you prefer fine-grained control and are working on a complex, enterprise-level application, the Spring Framework might be more appropriate.

  • If you value simplicity, rapid development, and are building microservices or RESTful APIs, Spring Boot is likely the better choice.

Both tools are powerful and, when used appropriately, can significantly enhance your productivity and application quality. Remember that Spring Boot builds upon and fully integrates with the Spring Framework, so you can leverage the strengths of both as needed.

------ Starters in Spring Boot:

In Spring Boot, starters are pre-configured dependency modules that simplify the inclusion of commonly used dependencies in your application. They act as a one-stop shop for adding a particular feature or technology to your project without needing to search for and configure multiple dependencies manually.

What Are Starters?

  • A starter is essentially a Maven or Gradle dependency that groups together libraries and dependencies required for a specific functionality.
  • Spring Boot starters follow the naming convention spring-boot-starter-<feature>.
  • They eliminate boilerplate configuration and dependency management by providing pre-configured defaults.

Why Use Starters?

  1. Simplicity:

    • Instead of manually searching for compatible versions of dependencies, you just include the relevant starter, and Spring Boot handles the rest.
  2. Convenience:

    • Starters include dependencies for the most common use cases, saving time.
  3. Auto-Configuration:

    • When you include a starter, Spring Boot's auto-configuration feature automatically configures your application based on the dependencies included.
  4. Reduced Maintenance:

    • You don't have to worry about version conflicts or compatibility issues as Spring Boot starters are well-tested.

Examples of Popular Starters

Starter Description
spring-boot-starter Core starter for a Spring Boot application (includes logging, etc.).
spring-boot-starter-web Starter for building web applications (includes Spring MVC and Tomcat).
spring-boot-starter-data-jpa Starter for Spring Data JPA with Hibernate and JPA support.
spring-boot-starter-security Starter for Spring Security.
spring-boot-starter-test Starter for testing (JUnit, Mockito, etc.).
spring-boot-starter-thymeleaf Starter for Thymeleaf template engine.
spring-boot-starter-actuator Starter for monitoring and managing your application in production.
spring-boot-starter-mail Starter for sending emails.
spring-boot-starter-logging Starter for logging using SLF4J and Logback.

How to Use Starters

  1. In Maven: Add the starter as a dependency in your pom.xml file.

  2. In Gradle: Add the starter in your build.gradle file.

    implementation 'org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-web'
  3. Example of Including Multiple Starters:


Custom Starters

Spring Boot also allows you to create custom starters for your organization or specific projects. This is useful if you frequently reuse certain dependencies and configurations across multiple projects.

  1. Create a new project and define the dependencies required by your starter.
  2. Publish the project to your private Maven/Gradle repository.
  3. Add the custom starter as a dependency in other projects.

Benefits of Starters

  1. Reduced Complexity:

    • A single dependency includes all the necessary transitive dependencies.
  2. Quick Setup:

    • New features can be added with minimal effort.
  3. Well-Tested:

    • Spring Boot starters are maintained by the Spring team and are highly reliable.
  4. Auto-Configuration:

    • Spring Boot automatically configures components based on the included starters, reducing boilerplate code.


Spring Boot starters are a key feature that helps developers quickly build applications by abstracting away the complexity of dependency management and configuration. They allow you to focus on developing your business logic while the framework takes care of the underlying setup.

----Injection types:


In the context of the Spring Framework and Spring Boot, the injection process refers to Dependency Injection (DI), a fundamental design pattern that allows an object to receive its dependencies from an external source rather than creating them itself. This promotes loose coupling, easier testing, and better manageability of code.

Dependency Injection (DI)


  • Dependency Injection is a design pattern in which an object (called the client) is provided with its dependencies (called services) by an external entity, typically the Inversion of Control (IoC) container in Spring.
  • The client does not create the services itself but declares what it needs, and the IoC container injects those dependencies when instantiating the client bean.

Role in Spring Framework and Spring Boot:

  • Spring's IoC container manages the beans and their dependencies, automatically injecting the required dependencies into beans.
  • This is facilitated through various annotations and configurations that define how beans are wired together.

Types of Dependency Injection in Spring

Spring supports three primary types of dependency injection:

  1. Constructor Injection
  2. Setter Injection
  3. Field Injection

1. Constructor Injection


  • Dependencies are provided through a class constructor.
  • The required dependencies are declared as parameters in the constructor.
  • The IoC container calls the constructor with the appropriate arguments when creating the bean.


public class OrderService {

    private final PaymentService paymentService;

    // Constructor Injection
    public OrderService(PaymentService paymentService) {
        this.paymentService = paymentService;

    // Business methods...


  • Immutability: Dependencies can be declared as final, promoting immutability.
  • Mandatory Dependencies: Ensures all required dependencies are provided at object creation.
  • Easier Testing: Clear dependencies make unit testing straightforward.
  • Null Safety: Prevents the possibility of null dependencies.

2. Setter Injection


  • Dependencies are provided through setter methods.
  • The IoC container calls the setter methods after instantiating the bean.


public class OrderService {

    private PaymentService paymentService;

    // Setter Injection
    public void setPaymentService(PaymentService paymentService) {
        this.paymentService = paymentService;

    // Business methods...


  • Optional Dependencies: Suitable for dependencies that are not mandatory.
  • Flexibility: Allows changing dependencies after bean instantiation.


  • Mutability: Dependencies are mutable, which might not be desirable.
  • Potential Null References: If not properly injected, dependencies might be null.

3. Field Injection


  • Dependencies are injected directly into the fields of a class.
  • Uses the @Autowired annotation (or @Inject) on the fields.


public class OrderService {

    // Field Injection
    private PaymentService paymentService;

    // Business methods...


  • Conciseness: Less boilerplate code; no need for constructors or setters.


  • Testing Challenges: More difficult to mock or inject dependencies in unit tests.
  • Hidden Dependencies: Dependencies are not visible through constructors or methods.
  • Immutability Issues: Fields cannot be declared as final.

The Injection Process in Spring

  1. Bean Creation:

    • The IoC container scans the classpath for components annotated with stereotypes like @Component, @Service, @Repository, etc.
    • Beans are instantiated based on their scope (singleton by default).
  2. Dependency Resolution:

    • The container identifies dependencies required by each bean, as declared via constructors, setter methods, or fields.
    • It looks up these dependencies in the application context.
  3. Dependency Injection:

    • Constructor Injection:
      • The container invokes the bean's constructor, providing the necessary dependencies.
    • Setter Injection:
      • The container calls the bean's setter methods, injecting dependencies.
    • Field Injection:
      • The container directly sets the fields annotated with @Autowired or @Inject.
  4. Lifecycle Methods:

    • After dependency injection, the container may call lifecycle callback methods annotated with @PostConstruct or @PreDestroy.

Which Injection Type is "Main" and Why

Constructor Injection is generally considered the preferred or "main" method of dependency injection in Spring applications.

Reasons Why Constructor Injection is Preferred:

  1. Immutability:

    • Dependencies can be declared as final, making the object immutable after construction.
    • Immutability leads to safer and more predictable code.
  2. Mandatory Dependencies:

    • Ensures that all required dependencies are provided at the time of object creation.
    • Prevents the creation of objects in an invalid state.
  3. Easier Testing:

    • Dependencies are explicitly defined, making it straightforward to provide mock implementations during unit testing.
    • No need for reflection or special frameworks to inject mocks.
  4. Clear Dependencies:

    • All dependencies are visible in the constructor, enhancing code readability and maintainability.
    • Makes the class's requirements explicit.
  5. Null Safety:

    • Since dependencies are provided during construction, the risk of NullPointerException due to uninitialized dependencies is minimized.
  6. Framework Agnostic:

    • Does not require framework-specific annotations like @Autowired.
    • Promotes decoupling from the framework, enhancing portability.

Best Practices Endorsed by the Community:

  • Spring Team Recommendation:
    • The Spring Framework documentation and experts often recommend constructor injection for mandatory dependencies.
  • Effective Java Principles:
    • Follows the guidelines from "Effective Java" by Joshua Bloch, which advocates for dependency injection via constructors for better design.

When to Use Other Injection Types:

  • Setter Injection:
    • Appropriate for optional dependencies or when you need to change dependencies after object creation.
  • Field Injection:
    • Generally discouraged due to testing difficulties and hidden dependencies.
    • Might be used in simple applications or for quick prototyping.

Examples of Each Injection Type

Constructor Injection Example

public class EmailService {

    private final MessageFormatter formatter;

    // Constructor Injection
    public EmailService(MessageFormatter formatter) {
        this.formatter = formatter;

    public void sendEmail(String message) {
        String formattedMessage = formatter.format(message);
        // Send email logic...

Setter Injection Example

public class EmailService {

    private MessageFormatter formatter;

    // Setter Injection
    public void setFormatter(MessageFormatter formatter) {
        this.formatter = formatter;

    public void sendEmail(String message) {
        String formattedMessage = formatter.format(message);
        // Send email logic...

Field Injection Example

public class EmailService {

    // Field Injection
    private MessageFormatter formatter;

    public void sendEmail(String message) {
        String formattedMessage = formatter.format(message);
        // Send email logic...


  • Dependency Injection (DI) is a core concept in Spring that allows objects to receive their dependencies from the IoC container.
  • Types of Injection:
    • Constructor Injection: Preferred method for mandatory dependencies; promotes immutability and clear code.
    • Setter Injection: Suitable for optional dependencies; allows for mutability.
    • Field Injection: Less recommended due to testing challenges and hidden dependencies.
  • Why Constructor Injection is Main:
    • Immutability: Leads to safer, more predictable code.
    • Clear Dependencies: Enhances readability and maintainability.
    • Testing Ease: Simplifies unit testing with mocks.
    • Framework Independence: Reduces coupling with the framework.
  • Best Practices:
    • Use constructor injection for all mandatory dependencies.
    • Use setter injection for optional dependencies.
    • Avoid field injection when possible, especially in large or complex applications.


Understanding the injection process and the types of dependency injection in Spring is crucial for building robust and maintainable applications. Constructor injection stands out as the main and recommended approach due to its numerous advantages in terms of code quality, testing, and maintainability. By adhering to best practices in dependency injection, you can ensure that your Spring applications are well-structured, easy to test, and scalable.

------ Controller vs RestController


In the Spring Framework and Spring Boot, @Controller and @RestController are annotations used to define controller classes that handle incoming web requests. While they are related, they serve different purposes and are used in different scenarios. Understanding the difference between them is crucial for developing web applications and RESTful services effectively.

@Controller Annotation


  • @Controller is a specialization of the @Component annotation, indicating that the annotated class is a Spring MVC controller.
  • It is used to mark classes as controllers capable of handling web requests and returning views (typically HTML pages).

Key Characteristics:

  • View Resolution:
    • Methods in a class annotated with @Controller typically return a view name (e.g., "home"), which is resolved by a ViewResolver to an actual view template (like Thymeleaf, JSP, or FreeMarker).
  • Model Handling:
    • Data is added to the Model or ModelAndView objects, making it accessible in the view for rendering dynamic content.
  • Usage in Traditional Web Applications:
    • Commonly used when building server-side rendered applications where the server generates HTML content.


public class HomeController {

    public String showHomePage(Model model) {
        model.addAttribute("message", "Welcome to the Home Page!");
        return "home"; // Refers to 'home.html' or 'home.jsp' in the templates directory

In this example:

  • The showHomePage method handles GET requests to /home.
  • Adds a message attribute to the Model.
  • Returns the view name "home", which the ViewResolver maps to the appropriate template.

@RestController Annotation


  • @RestController is a specialized version of @Controller.
  • It is a convenience annotation that combines @Controller and @ResponseBody.
  • Used to create RESTful web services where methods return data directly rather than views.

Key Characteristics:

  • Response Body Binding:
    • Methods return data objects, and the data is written directly to the HTTP response body.
    • Eliminates the need to annotate each method with @ResponseBody.
  • Automatic Serialization:
    • Return values are automatically serialized into JSON or XML (depending on the configuration and client request) using HttpMessageConverters.
  • Usage in RESTful APIs:
    • Ideal for building services that provide data to clients like web front-ends, mobile apps, or other servers.


public class ApiController {

    public Greeting getGreeting() {
        return new Greeting("Hello, World!");

In this example:

  • The getGreeting method handles GET requests to /api/greeting.
  • Returns a Greeting object, which is automatically converted to JSON and written to the response body.
  • No need to use @ResponseBody on the method.

Key Differences Between @Controller and @RestController

  1. Response Type:

    • @Controller:
      • Returns a view name or a ModelAndView object.
      • Used for rendering HTML pages.
    • @RestController:
      • Returns a data object, which is serialized and written directly to the response body.
      • Used for returning JSON, XML, or other media types.
  2. Annotation Composition:

    • @Controller:
      • Basic annotation for Spring MVC controllers.
      • Does not include @ResponseBody.
    • @RestController:
      • Combines @Controller and @ResponseBody.
      • All methods inherit the behavior of @ResponseBody.
  3. View Resolution:

    • @Controller:
      • Involves view resolution to map view names to actual templates.
      • Requires a view technology like Thymeleaf, JSP, etc.
    • @RestController:
      • Skips view resolution.
      • Focuses on returning data directly.
  4. Use Cases:

    • @Controller:
      • Suitable for server-side rendered web applications.
      • When you need to generate dynamic HTML content.
    • @RestController:
      • Ideal for creating RESTful APIs.
      • When the client consumes data (e.g., JSON) rather than HTML.

Detailed Examples

Using @Controller for Web Pages

public class UserController {

    public String listUsers(Model model) {
        List<User> users = userService.findAll();
        model.addAttribute("users", users);
        return "userList"; // Resolves to 'userList.html' template

    public String getUser(@PathVariable Long id, Model model) {
        User user = userService.findById(id);
        model.addAttribute("user", user);
        return "userDetail"; // Resolves to 'userDetail.html' template
  • Handles web requests and returns view names.
  • Uses Model to pass data to the views.

Using @RestController for RESTful Services

public class UserRestController {

    public List<User> getAllUsers() {
        return userService.findAll();

    public ResponseEntity<User> getUser(@PathVariable Long id) {
        return userService.findById(id)

    public ResponseEntity<User> createUser(@RequestBody User user) {
        User savedUser =;
        return ResponseEntity.status(HttpStatus.CREATED).body(savedUser);
  • Handles RESTful web requests and returns data objects.
  • Methods return entities or ResponseEntity with status codes.
  • Uses @RequestBody to bind the request body to a Java object.

Mixing @Controller with @ResponseBody

If you are using @Controller but want a specific method to return data directly, you can annotate that method with @ResponseBody.


public class MixedController {

    public String showPage(Model model) {
        model.addAttribute("info", "This is a web page.");
        return "pageView";

    public DataObject getData() {
        return new DataObject("This is JSON data.");
  • showPage returns a view name and renders an HTML page.
  • getData returns a DataObject that is serialized to JSON, thanks to the @ResponseBody annotation.

When to Use Each Annotation

Use @Controller when:

  • Building traditional web applications that render server-side views.
  • You need to return HTML pages in response to web requests.
  • Using template engines like Thymeleaf, JSP, or Mustache.

Use @RestController when:

  • Creating RESTful web services or APIs.
  • The application primarily serves data in formats like JSON or XML.
  • You want all methods in the controller to return data directly without rendering views.

Advantages and Considerations


  • Advantages:
    • Flexibility to return views and handle complex web interactions.
    • Can use @ResponseBody on individual methods when needed.
  • Considerations:
    • Requires more configuration for view resolvers and template engines.
    • Suitable for applications where server-side rendering is needed.


  • Advantages:
    • Simplifies RESTful API development by removing the need to annotate each method with @ResponseBody.
    • Cleaner and more concise code for data-serving endpoints.
  • Considerations:
    • Not intended for serving HTML content or views.
    • All methods return data directly, so mixing in view rendering is not straightforward.

Technical Details

  • Serialization Mechanism:
    • Spring uses HttpMessageConverters to automatically convert Java objects to JSON or XML.
    • The default converter for JSON is Jackson.
  • Content Negotiation:
    • Spring can produce different content types based on the Accept header in the request.
    • You can configure the supported media types as needed.

Common Mistakes

  • Using @RestController When a View is Needed:
    • Since @RestController does not resolve views, attempting to return a view name will result in the view name being sent as a string in the response body.
  • Forgetting @ResponseBody in @Controller:
    • If you intend to return data directly from a method in a @Controller class, you must annotate the method with @ResponseBody.


  • @Controller:

    • Purpose: To handle web requests and return view names for rendering HTML pages.
    • Characteristics:
      • Returns view names.
      • Uses Model to pass data to views.
      • Requires view resolvers and template engines.
    • Usage Scenario: Traditional web applications with server-side rendering.
  • @RestController:

    • Purpose: To handle web requests and return data directly in the response body (typically for RESTful APIs).
    • Characteristics:
      • Returns data objects.
      • Automatically serializes return values to JSON or XML.
      • Combines @Controller and @ResponseBody.
    • Usage Scenario: RESTful services, microservices, APIs that provide data to clients.


Understanding the difference between @Controller and @RestController is essential for developing web applications and services with Spring Framework and Spring Boot. Choose the annotation that aligns with your application's needs:

  • Use **@Controller** when your application needs to render views (HTML pages) and interact with user interfaces.
  • Use **@RestController** when your application provides RESTful APIs or services that return data directly in response to HTTP requests.

By selecting the appropriate annotation, you ensure that your controllers behave as expected, leading to cleaner code and more maintainable applications.



In the source code you've provided, the @SpringBootApplication annotation is a composite annotation that combines three crucial annotations used in Spring Boot applications:

  1. @SpringBootConfiguration
  2. @EnableAutoConfiguration
  3. @ComponentScan

These annotations work together to configure and bootstrap your Spring Boot application. Below, I'll explain the purpose and functionality of each of these three annotations.

1. @SpringBootConfiguration


  • @SpringBootConfiguration is a specialized form of the @Configuration annotation, designed specifically for Spring Boot applications.
  • It indicates that the class provides Spring Boot application configuration, serving as a source of bean definitions.

Key Characteristics:

  • Configuration Class:
    • Acts as a configuration class that defines beans for the application context.
  • Inheritance:
    • Inherits from @Configuration, meaning it carries all the characteristics of a standard Spring configuration class.
  • Specialization:
    • Signals to Spring Boot that this is a configuration class for a Spring Boot application, which may have implications for how certain auto-configurations are applied.

Role in Spring Boot:

  • Central Configuration:
    • Typically used on the main application class that starts the Spring Boot application.
  • Component Scanning:
    • Works with @ComponentScan to detect and register beans in the application context.

Example Usage:

public class MyApplicationConfig {

    public MyService myService() {
        return new MyServiceImpl();


  • In this example, @SpringBootConfiguration marks MyApplicationConfig as a configuration class.
  • The @Bean method defines a bean named myService in the application context.

2. @EnableAutoConfiguration


  • @EnableAutoConfiguration enables Spring Boot's auto-configuration feature.
  • It tells Spring Boot to automatically configure the Spring application context based on the dependencies declared in your build file (e.g., Maven or Gradle).

Key Characteristics:

  • Auto-Configuration Classes:
    • Scans the classpath for META-INF/spring.factories files, which list auto-configuration classes provided by Spring Boot and third-party libraries.
  • Conditional Configuration:
    • Uses @Conditional annotations within auto-configuration classes to determine when to apply specific configurations based on the presence of certain classes, beans, or properties.
  • Simplifies Configuration:
    • Reduces the need for manual configuration by providing sensible defaults for many Spring components (e.g., data sources, entity managers, web servers).

Role in Spring Boot:

  • Dependency-Based Configuration:
    • Automatically configures beans and settings based on the dependencies on your classpath.
  • Customization:
    • Allows you to exclude specific auto-configuration classes if you need to customize the configuration.

Example Usage:

public class MyApplication {
    public static void main(String[] args) {, args);


  • By adding @EnableAutoConfiguration, Spring Boot automatically configures your application based on the dependencies you've added.
  • For example, if you include spring-boot-starter-web, it configures a web server automatically.

3. @ComponentScan


  • @ComponentScan instructs Spring to scan for components (e.g., classes annotated with @Component, @Service, @Repository, @Controller, etc.) in specified packages and register them as beans in the application context.
  • It enables auto-detection of beans and their dependencies.

Key Characteristics:

  • Package Scanning:
    • By default, it scans the package of the class that declares this annotation and its sub-packages.
  • Customization:
    • You can specify basePackages or basePackageClasses to define which packages to scan.
  • Exclude Filters:
    • Allows excluding certain classes or interfaces from component scanning using filters.

Role in Spring Boot:

  • Bean Registration:
    • Discovers and registers beans in the application context, making them available for dependency injection.
  • Modularity:
    • Promotes a modular structure by scanning only relevant packages.

Example Usage:

@ComponentScan(basePackages = {"com.example.service", "com.example.repository"})
public class MyApplicationConfig {
    // Configuration code


  • In this example, @ComponentScan tells Spring to scan the com.example.service and com.example.repository packages for components to register.

Combined Usage in @SpringBootApplication

@SpringBootApplication Annotation:

  • Meta-Annotation:
    • Combines @SpringBootConfiguration, @EnableAutoConfiguration, and @ComponentScan into a single annotation for convenience.
  • Default Behavior:
    • When you annotate your main application class with @SpringBootApplication, it automatically provides the functionalities of the three annotations.

Example Usage:

public class MyApplication {
    public static void main(String[] args) {, args);


  • This single annotation simplifies the setup of a Spring Boot application.
  • It triggers auto-configuration, component scanning, and registers the class as a configuration class.

Detailed Explanation of Each Annotation

@SpringBootConfiguration in Detail

  • Specialized Configuration:
    • Functions the same as @Configuration but is specific to Spring Boot.
  • Bean Definitions:
    • Allows you to define beans using @Bean methods.
  • Application Context:
    • Beans defined are loaded into the application context, making them available for dependency injection.
  • Usage:
    • Rarely used directly, as @SpringBootApplication includes it.

Why Use @SpringBootConfiguration?

  • Clarity:
    • Indicates that the class is a configuration class in a Spring Boot application.
  • Compatibility:
    • Ensures that certain Spring Boot features, such as testing support, recognize the configuration.

@EnableAutoConfiguration in Detail

  • Mechanism:
    • Uses Spring's @Import to import auto-configuration classes.
  • Conditional Loading:
    • Auto-configuration classes are loaded based on conditions specified by @Conditional annotations.
  • Customization:
    • You can exclude specific auto-configurations using exclude or excludeName attributes.

Example of Excluding Auto-Configurations:

@SpringBootApplication(exclude = {DataSourceAutoConfiguration.class})
public class MyApplication {
    // ...
  • This prevents Spring Boot from automatically configuring a data source.

@ComponentScan in Detail

  • Default Package Scanning:

    • Scans the package of the class with the annotation and all sub-packages.
  • Customizing Scan Scope:

    • Using basePackages:

      @ComponentScan(basePackages = "")
    • Using basePackageClasses:

      @ComponentScan(basePackageClasses = {AppConfig.class, AnotherConfig.class})
  • Excluding Components:

        basePackages = "",
        excludeFilters = @ComponentScan.Filter(type = FilterType.REGEX, pattern = "com\\.example\\.app\\.exclude\\..*")

Why Use @ComponentScan?

  • Automatic Bean Detection:
    • Simplifies bean registration by automatically detecting classes annotated with stereotype annotations.
  • Modularity:
    • Helps organize your code by scanning specific packages.

How They Work Together

  • Application Startup:

    • When your application starts, @SpringBootApplication triggers:

      • Configuration Loading:

        • @SpringBootConfiguration processes any bean definitions in the class.
      • Component Scanning:

        • @ComponentScan scans for components in the specified package and sub-packages, registering them as beans.
      • Auto-Configuration:

        • @EnableAutoConfiguration applies auto-configuration classes based on the classpath and existing beans.
  • Bean Initialization:

    • Beans are initialized and wired together based on their dependencies.
  • Dependency Injection:

    • Components can be injected into each other using annotations like @Autowired.

Practical Implications

  • Rapid Development:
    • By combining these annotations, Spring Boot applications can be developed quickly with minimal configuration.
  • Convention Over Configuration:
    • Spring Boot favors convention, providing sensible defaults to reduce the amount of manual setup.
  • Customization:
    • Developers retain the ability to customize and override configurations as needed.


  • @SpringBootConfiguration:

    • Marks a class as a configuration class for a Spring Boot application.
    • Inherits from @Configuration and allows bean definitions.
  • @EnableAutoConfiguration:

    • Enables automatic configuration of your Spring application based on the dependencies on your classpath.
    • Simplifies the setup of common components like web servers, data sources, and more.
  • @ComponentScan:

    • Instructs Spring to scan for components in specified packages.
    • Automatically registers beans in the application context.
  • @SpringBootApplication:

    • Combines the three annotations above for convenience.
    • Simplifies the configuration of Spring Boot applications by reducing boilerplate code.


The annotations @SpringBootConfiguration, @EnableAutoConfiguration, and @ComponentScan are essential components in the configuration and bootstrapping of Spring Boot applications:

  • @SpringBootConfiguration designates the class as a configuration class for the application.
  • @EnableAutoConfiguration enables Spring Boot's auto-configuration mechanism, reducing the need for manual setup.
  • @ComponentScan allows Spring to automatically detect and register beans within your application.

By using @SpringBootApplication, you effectively apply all three annotations, streamlining your application's configuration and enabling you to focus on developing business logic rather than boilerplate setup.

Additional Notes:

  • Best Practices:

    • Keep your main application class in a root package to leverage default component scanning.
    • Use the exclude attribute of @EnableAutoConfiguration or @SpringBootApplication if you need to disable specific auto-configurations.
  • Understanding Auto-Configuration:

    • Auto-configuration classes are provided by Spring Boot and its dependencies.
    • They are conditionally applied based on the presence of certain classes and beans.
  • Custom Configuration:

    • If you need to customize the configuration beyond what auto-configuration provides, you can define your own @Configuration classes and beans.

By understanding these annotations and their roles, you can better control how your Spring Boot application is configured and initialized, leading to more efficient and maintainable code.

------ Bean Scopes:


In the Spring Framework, bean scopes define the lifecycle and visibility of the beans managed by the Spring IoC (Inversion of Control) container. A bean's scope affects when and how a bean is created, how long it lives, and how it's shared within the application. Understanding bean scopes is crucial for building efficient, thread-safe, and maintainable applications.

Available Bean Scopes in Spring

Spring provides several bean scopes:

  1. Singleton (Default Scope)
  2. Prototype
  3. Request
  4. Session
  5. Application
  6. WebSocket

Each scope serves different use cases, especially when dealing with web applications.

1. Singleton Scope


  • Singleton scope means that the Spring IoC container creates exactly one instance of the bean per Spring context.
  • This is the default scope if no other scope is specified.


  • Shared Instance: All requests for the bean receive the same instance.
  • Lifecycle: Created at the time of container initialization (eager instantiation) or when first requested (lazy instantiation).

Usage Scenario:

  • Stateless Beans: Ideal for beans that are stateless and thread-safe.
  • Configuration Beans: Beans that provide shared configurations or services.


public class ApplicationConfig {
    // Configuration methods


  • ApplicationConfig is a singleton bean.
  • It's shared across the entire application, providing configuration settings.

2. Prototype Scope


  • Prototype scope means that a new bean instance is created every time it is requested from the container.


  • Multiple Instances: Each request results in a new instance.
  • Lifecycle: The container initializes the bean but does not manage its full lifecycle (e.g., destruction callbacks are not called).

Usage Scenario:

  • Stateful Beans: Beans that maintain state specific to a single use or client.
  • Expensive Resources: When you need a fresh instance due to resource constraints.


public class ImageProcessor {
    // Processing methods


  • ImageProcessor is a prototype bean.
  • Each time it's injected or requested, a new instance is created, ensuring that processing data doesn't interfere across uses.

3. Request Scope


  • Request scope means that a new bean instance is created for each HTTP request.
  • Applicable only in web-aware applications.


  • Per-Request Instance: Beans live throughout the duration of a single HTTP request.
  • Thread-Safe: Since each request gets its own instance, there's no need for synchronization.

Usage Scenario:

  • Request Data Handling: Beans that need to process or store data specific to a single HTTP request.
  • Per-Request Logic: Validation, formatting, or temporary data storage during a request.


@Scope(value = WebApplicationContext.SCOPE_REQUEST, proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS)
public class RequestData {
    private Map<String, Object> attributes = new HashMap<>();
    // Getter and setter methods


  • RequestData is a request-scoped bean.
  • It holds data specific to a single HTTP request.
  • The proxyMode is set to create a proxy, which is necessary when injecting request-scoped beans into singleton beans.

4. Session Scope


  • Session scope means that a new bean instance is created for each HTTP session.
  • Also applicable only in web-aware applications.


  • Per-Session Instance: Beans live for the duration of an HTTP session.
  • Stateful: Can store user-specific data across multiple requests.

Usage Scenario:

  • User Session Data: Beans that need to maintain state for a user's session, like shopping carts or user preferences.
  • Authentication Information: Storing authentication tokens or user roles.


@Scope(value = WebApplicationContext.SCOPE_SESSION, proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS)
public class ShoppingCart {
    private List<Item> items = new ArrayList<>();
    // Methods to add, remove items


  • ShoppingCart is a session-scoped bean.
  • Each user's session will have its own instance of ShoppingCart, maintaining separate cart contents.

5. Application Scope


  • Application scope means that the bean is scoped to the ServletContext.
  • There is one instance per ServletContext.


  • Shared Across Sessions and Requests: Similar to singleton but specific to web applications.
  • Lifecycle: Lives as long as the web application context.

Usage Scenario:

  • Shared Resources: Beans that manage resources shared across the entire web application.
  • Caching: Caches or registries that need to be available application-wide.


@Scope(value = WebApplicationContext.SCOPE_APPLICATION)
public class ApplicationCache {
    private Map<String, Object> cache = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
    // Cache management methods


  • ApplicationCache is an application-scoped bean.
  • It maintains a cache that's accessible throughout the web application.

6. WebSocket Scope


  • WebSocket scope means that a new bean instance is created for each WebSocket session.
  • Applicable in applications using WebSocket communication.


  • Per-WebSocket Session Instance: Beans live for the duration of a WebSocket session.
  • Stateful Communication: Can store data relevant to a WebSocket connection.

Usage Scenario:

  • Real-Time Data Handling: Beans that manage state or data for a live WebSocket connection.
  • Chat Applications: Storing user-specific chat histories or session information.


@Scope(value = "websocket", proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS)
public class WebSocketSessionData {
    private String sessionId;
    // Methods to handle session data


  • WebSocketSessionData is a WebSocket-scoped bean.
  • Each WebSocket session will have its own instance, allowing for session-specific data management.

Proxy Mode in Web Scopes

When using request, session, or WebSocket scopes, beans are often injected into singleton-scoped beans. To make this possible, Spring uses proxies.

  • Scoped Proxies:
    • Purpose: Allows a bean with a shorter lifecycle to be injected into a bean with a longer lifecycle.
    • Proxy Modes:
      • ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS (creates a class-based proxy)
      • ScopedProxyMode.INTERFACES (creates an interface-based proxy)

Example with Proxy:

@Scope(value = WebApplicationContext.SCOPE_SESSION, proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS)
public class UserPreferences {
    // User-specific preferences
  • By specifying proxyMode, you can inject UserPreferences into a singleton bean, and the proxy will resolve the correct instance at runtime.

Custom Scopes

Spring allows the creation of custom scopes if the predefined ones do not meet specific requirements.


  • Thread Scope: A bean instance per thread.
  • Custom Scope Implementation:
    • Implement the org.springframework.beans.factory.config.Scope interface.
    • Register the custom scope with the container.

Choosing the Right Bean Scope

Singleton Scope:

  • When to Use:
    • Beans that are stateless and thread-safe.
    • Services, repositories, and controllers.
  • Examples:
    • Configuration classes.
    • Utility classes.

Prototype Scope:

  • When to Use:
    • Beans that maintain state specific to a single use.
    • Non-thread-safe beans.
  • Examples:
    • Stateful components.
    • Per-operation configurations.

Request Scope:

  • When to Use:
    • Beans that need to process data specific to an HTTP request.
  • Examples:
    • Request validators.
    • Controllers in special cases (though controllers are typically singleton).

Session Scope:

  • When to Use:
    • Beans that need to store user-specific data across multiple requests.
  • Examples:
    • Shopping carts.
    • User session data.

Application Scope:

  • When to Use:
    • Beans that need to be shared across the entire application, but within a web context.
  • Examples:
    • Shared caches.
    • Application-level configurations.

WebSocket Scope:

  • When to Use:
    • Beans that manage data for WebSocket connections.
  • Examples:
    • Live chat session data.
    • Real-time game session states.

Practical Examples in Context

Singleton Bean Example

public class UserService {
    // Business logic methods
  • Explanation:
    • UserService is a singleton bean by default.
    • It can be safely injected wherever needed.
    • Suitable because it likely does not maintain any client-specific state.

Prototype Bean Example

public class ReportGenerator {
    private ReportData data;

    public void setData(ReportData data) { = data;

    public Report generate() {
        // Generate report using data
  • Explanation:
    • Each ReportGenerator instance holds specific ReportData.
    • Useful when generating reports concurrently with different data sets.

Request-Scoped Bean Example

@Scope(value = WebApplicationContext.SCOPE_REQUEST, proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS)
public class RequestLogger {
    private List<String> logs = new ArrayList<>();

    public void log(String message) {

    public List<String> getLogs() {
        return logs;
  • Explanation:
    • RequestLogger collects log messages during an HTTP request.
    • At the end of the request, logs can be written to a file or database.

Session-Scoped Bean Example

@Scope(value = WebApplicationContext.SCOPE_SESSION, proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS)
public class UserSession {
    private String username;
    private List<String> roles;
    // Getter and setter methods
  • Explanation:
    • UserSession stores user information for the duration of the session.
    • Useful for authorization checks throughout the session.

Lifecycle Callbacks with Scoped Beans

  • Singleton Beans:

    • The container manages the full lifecycle.
    • Supports @PostConstruct and @PreDestroy annotations.
  • Prototype Beans:

    • The container initializes the bean but does not manage destruction.
    • @PreDestroy methods are not called automatically.
    • If you need to clean up resources, you must do so manually.

Cautions and Best Practices

  • Thread Safety:

    • Singleton beans must be thread-safe since they are shared across multiple threads.
    • Prototype, request, and session beans can hold state without synchronization concerns.
  • Injection of Shorter-Lived Beans into Longer-Lived Beans:

    • When injecting a bean with a shorter scope into a bean with a longer scope, be cautious.
    • Use proxies to ensure the correct instance is used at runtime.
  • Performance Considerations:

    • Creating new instances frequently (as with prototype scope) can impact performance.
    • Use singleton scope when possible for better resource utilization.


  • Singleton Scope (Default):

    • One instance per Spring container.
    • Use for stateless, thread-safe beans.
  • Prototype Scope:

    • New instance per request to the container.
    • Use for stateful, per-operation beans.
  • Request Scope:

    • One instance per HTTP request.
    • Use in web applications for request-specific data.
  • Session Scope:

    • One instance per HTTP session.
    • Use for user session data in web applications.
  • Application Scope:

    • One instance per ServletContext.
    • Use for shared resources in web applications.
  • WebSocket Scope:

    • One instance per WebSocket session.
    • Use for managing data in WebSocket communications.

By understanding and appropriately applying bean scopes, you can design applications that are efficient, maintainable, and aligned with the specific needs of your application's architecture.


Bean scopes in Spring provide a flexible way to control the lifecycle and sharing of beans within your application. Choosing the right scope depends on the specific use case:

  • For most beans, the singleton scope is sufficient and efficient.
  • Use prototype scope when you need independent instances.
  • In web applications, consider request, session, and application scopes for web-specific use cases.
  • Ensure thread safety and resource management by understanding the implications of each scope.

By applying these principles, you can build robust Spring applications that effectively manage bean lifecycles and dependencies.

RestController = Controller + ResponseBody(converting json)


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