HTML - Hypertext Markup Language
1. Tag <a></a> - defines a hyperlink.
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rel - Hazirki sehife ile baglanti verilmiw sehife arasinda elaqeni gosterir
noopener noreferrer - tehlukesizlik ucundur
nofollow - mesuliyyeti boynundan atir
stylesheet - acilan sehifede stil wablonlari oldugunu bildirir
alternate - yeni acilacaq sehife hazirki sehifenin bir alternatividir
target - baglantinin harada acilacagini gosterir
_blank - baglantini yeni pencerede acir
_self - baglantini hemin sehifede acir
_parent - baglantini esas pencerede acir
_top - baglantini en ustde acir
<a href="" target="_top">Go to google</a>
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<br> - break line
<hr> - horizontal line
<b></b> - makes bold
<strong></strong> - makes bold
<mark></mark> - marks sentence
<dfn></dfn> - shows definition of abbreviations
title="something" - shows something when a mouse is hovered over it
<code></code> - shows as code
<samp></samp> - shows as code
<i></i> - shows italic
<q></q> - adds quotation
<u></u> - underlines text
<ins></ins> - underlines text
<del></del> - deletes or cross text
<sub></sub> - uder
<sup></sup> - over
<br>Parvin Etibarli </br> <hr> Baloglan oglu </br>
<mark>Marking this sentence</mark>
<p>ATU <dfn>Azerbaycan Tibb Universiteti</dfn></p>
<p title="Azerbaycan">ATU</p>
<code>it is my code</code>
<samp>this is my sample</samp>
<i>italic word</i>
<q>with quotation</q> <br>
<u>uderlined text</u> <br>
<del>deletes text</del> <br>
<ins>underlined text</ins>
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<abbr></abbr> - abbriviature
<blockquote></blockquote> - this is text in the middle of page
<img> - to put image
width - width of the image
height - height of the image
border - border of the image
alt - if something happens with image this will show a text(for exmple: image is crashed)
srcset - opens an image according to the resolution of the monitor
<abbr title="Azerbaycan Tibb Universiteti">ATU</abbr>
<blockquote>Parvin Etibarli</blockquote>
<img srcset="flamingo1x.jpg 1x, flamingo2x.jpg 2x, flamingo3x.jpg 3x, flamingo4x.jpg 4x">
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<ul></ul> - unordered list
<li></li> - list
<ol></ol> - ordered list
<dl></dl> - grouped list
<table></table> - creates table
<tr></tr> - table row
<td></td> - table data
<th></th> - table head
<caption></caption> - defines the head of the table
<ul type = "circle">
<ol type = "I">
<table border="2" align="center" width="100%">
<th colspan="3">Students</th>
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