Bean, Inversion of Control, Dependency Injection
* Bean - object-dir. Spring terefinden idare oluna bilen bir object. Bean scopes: singleton prototype request session application websocket Define Bean: 1) @Bean 2) stereotype annotation -> @Controller, @RestController, @Service, @Repository, @Component * Inversion of Control: IoC Container package com.example.burhan_lesson_1.config ; import com.example.burhan_lesson_1.UserService ; import com.example.burhan_lesson_1.UserServiceImpl ; import org.springframework.context.annotation. Bean ; import org.springframework.context.annotation. Configuration ; @Configuration public class BeanConfig { @Bean public UserService userServiceImpl () { return new UserServiceImpl() ; } } Tutaq ki biz bu wekilde class yaratdiqda ve @Configuration iwletdikde o zaman IoC Containerde: UserService userService = UserServiceImpl(); bir object yaranir. * @Qualifier: eger bir interface-in birden cox implementasiyasi varsa biz bu annotation-u istifade ede bilerik. package co...