Preparation for Java interview

1. Eror ve Exception 2. Heap and Stack 3. String pool 4. Mutable and Immutable class 5. Classi nece Immutible ede bilerik? 6. StringBulder vs StringBuffer 7. Thread nece yaradilir? 2. checked and anchecked 3. exception Handler 4. Entity relationships 5. Entity fetch Type LAZY and EGAR 5. OOP prinsips 6. SOLID 7. Singlton designs pattern 8. Connection pool 8. Bulder 9. Prox 10. Protodtype 11. Hansi type 12. ArrayList vs LinkedList 13. Set and Hashest 14. HashMap ve HashTable 15. Interface Ve Abstract class ferq 16. Java 8 features 17. Functional Interface nece yaradilir ve Java 8 de gelen hazir Functional Interfaces 17. Stream API, intermadite, terminal, Lazy Intialise 15. Spring boot features 16. Spring Boot transactions management 17. ACID 18. Duty read, repeatable read, non-repeatable 19. Isolation Levels 4 nov 20. propigat...